Exercising is never fun. At least for a fair few of us it is never fun, it’s just something that we tolerate because we like food too much. But exercising with dogs is always a good idea, as these furry companions are great at keeping you motivated to move.
And one group of adoptable dogs from the Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter spent a great day out with the Cross-Country Team from St. Joseph High School. The team decided that it would be fun to invite them to join their morning workout. Each runner was paired up with a dog prior to starting a miles-long run. The huge group then stampeded off, and it was fun for those they passed to see the dogs enjoying themselves.
Luis Escobar, the team’s coach, wrote on his Facebook, “I am not sure who was more excited and having the most fun, the dogs or the kids. Either way, it was a great time and I am sure we will do it again sometime soon.”
What a great idea. Who else thinks that more high school sports teams should look to pair up with their local animal shelters?