Zion is a 1.5 year old male Labradoor breed. He has suffered since day 1, having existed outside, chained up his entire life and used only for making babies who could turn a profit. He was saved by Inyo County shelter after they’d received a multitude of complaints regarding his care and condition. And poor Zion was in deplorable condition when seized. He was matted and covered in his own filth. This is not the way any living being should live and we know we can give him that chance at an amazing REAL home!
Zion is a doodle we expect a huge response. Please remember he just came in. We need to allow him time to decompress and allow ourselves time to get to know him. We can’t just randomly place him with the 1st family to apply. Right now, without knowing him well, we don’t know what kind of home will be his perfect fit. It’s going to take us a few weeks to get to know him and know what his long term needs will be. He was an outside breeding dog. He’s had no training to speak of and our fosters will get him on the right track and give us the info we need to pick the right family.