Help support charitable sales and events to benefit Marley’s Mutts .

For every new customer who makes their first purchase while shopping on Chewy.com by using the link below, Marley's Mutts will earn $15.

Grounds & Hounds was created with an overarching purpose in mind; provide every at-risk pup with a second chance at a full life. To turn their passion into action, they collaborate with some of the most innovative animal rescue & welfare organizations throughout the country to provide funding and support for life-saving initiatives that impact rescue pups in communities throughout the country.
The Rescue Roast Donation Program was created to bring attention to standout programs from rescues that are going above and beyond for pups. 100% of the profits from the sale of Rescue Roast Blend will be donated to Marley’s Mutts April 1, 2023 through May 15, 2023.
Please enjoy a delicious cup of coffee while joining our Mission.

Donations from Grounds and Hounds Coffee Co. has provided:
Vaccines: 16, 250
Shelter Meals Provided : 3.3 mil
Spay & Neuter: 885
Microchips: 3400